
weaving Examples


    Examples of weaving in a Sentence

  • Examples of weaving
    1. When I saw the other driver weaving erratically across the road, I decided to keep my distance.
    2. The three younger dudukahars joined him, first interposing solos and then (when audible) weaving around the voice’s call-and-response with Alizâdeh’s shurangiz and the qanun.
    3. Her grandmother, Alice Merryman , who died two years ago at the age of 100, was a quilter and practitioner of corn shuckery, the art of weaving corn husks into brooms, baskets, benches and other objects, including dolls.
    4. The motorcycle is weaving in and out of traffic
    5. She is going to dig into Egyptian basket-weaving this semester.
  • Examples of weavings
    1. In the 1960s, in addition to small-scale weavings influenced by American Indian, Peruvian and African art, she began producing enigmatic assemblage boxes and collages, including postcard collages, which she sent to friends.
Related Links:
  1. en weavings
  2. en weavingly
Source: Wiktionary
Difficultness: Level 3
Easy     ➨     Difficult
Definiteness: Level 1
Definite    ➨     Versatile