
syllogism Examples


    Examples of syllogism in a Sentence

  • Examples of syllogism
    1. Let ‘F’ stand for the state of affairs that consists in finite persons possessing and exercising free will. Let ‘p’ stand for ‘God exists’; ‘q’ for ‘F obtains’; ‘r’ for ‘F poses a serious risk of evil’; and ‘s’ for ‘There is no option available to God that counters F.’ With this in place, the argument may be formalized as follows: (1) [(p & q) & r] → s Premiss (2) ~s        Premiss (3) ~[(p & q) & r]   1, 2 MT (4) ~(p & q) v ~r    3 DM (5) r         Premiss (6) ~(p & q)      4, 5 DS (7) ~p v ~q      6 DM (3) follows from the conjunction of (1) and (2) by modus tollens; De Morgan’s law applied to (3) yields (4); (4) and (5) together lead to (6) by disjunctive syllogism; and another application of De Morgan’s law takes us from (6) to the final conclusion, according to which either God exists or there is free will (but not both).
    2. A valid syllogism contains three terms; with four it commits the logical fallacy known as quaternio terminorum.
    3. The hypothetical syllogism inference rule states the transitivity of implication.
    4. It has got to be true, it's a syllogism.
  • Examples of syllogisms
    1. to brandish syllogisms
Related Links:
  1. fr syllogisme
  2. en syllogisms
  3. fr syllogismes
  4. en syllogismus
Source: Wiktionary
Difficultness: Level 5
Easy     ➨     Difficult
Definiteness: Level 3
Definite    ➨     Versatile