
reflecting Examples


    Examples of reflecting in a Sentence

  • Examples of reflecting
    1. The new condensed body font works well, and the concepts for each feature, subfeature, etc. are still reflecting the excellent design ability of the creative team.
    2. The lights seen over the city last night, originally termed unidentified flying objects, turned out to be spotlights from a car dealership reflecting on low clouds.
    3. The vote also stoked fears that Swiss citizens were reflecting the zeitgeist across Europe, …
    4. The time required for a solution change varied between 50 msec and ~ 1 sec, possibly reflecting the varied extent of -shape formation of the excised patch.
    5. Your logic is faulty, reflecting cachexia and the general agnosy that plagues your race.
    6. When in Faröe, I obtained at the cave in Naalsöe globules of Faröelite, composed of crystals large enough to afford satisfactory measurements with the reflecting goniometer.
    7. Finally, reflection entails making metaremarks, mirroring, creative leaps, and thinking about the thought process itself, as well as reflecting on pro/con arguments, the assessment framework, and its application.
Related Links:
  1. en reflectings
  2. en reflectingly
  3. en reflecting on
  4. en reflecting upon
  5. en reflecting circle
Source: Wiktionary
Difficultness: Level 2
Easy     ➨     Difficult
Definiteness: Level 1
Definite    ➨     Versatile