
pertains Examples


    Examples of pertains in a Sentence

  • Examples of pertain
    1. Absolute rights and duties are such as pertain to man in a state of nature as contradistinguished from relative rights and duties, or such as pertain to him in his social relations.
    2. Specimen 1912VIII64 was opisthocoelous, pleurocoelous, and caudally wider than tall, as in Epachthosaurus and Pellegrinisaurus (15), and may pertain to Paralititan.
    3. There are currently 15 OT levels available, although to date no Scientologist has ever passed beyond OT8. The teachings that pertain to these levels are strictly confidential, although on occasion a few ex-Scientologists have attempted to divulge them.
    4. Of these, all of the bones (n = 27) identifiable to lower taxonomic levels pertain to Centrosaurinae, and nine parietal specimens can be attributed to the new taxon based on diagnostic features of the epiparietal ornamentation.
  • Examples of pertains
    1. The first historical case study presented pertains to the criticism and the eventual decline of visualization in mathematics triggered by geometrical and analytical argumentations drifting apart in the course of the rigourization of analysis in the 19th century.
  • Examples of pertaining
    1. A-4 or S-4, performs all staff functions pertaining to supply and maintenance.
    2. And in Usonia's mighty Lan'— / What almost seems beyond belief— / An offshoot of the Irvine clan / Is honor'd as the nation's chief! We of the United States, in justice to Canadians and Mexicans, have no right to use the title " Americans " when referring to matters pertaining exclusively to ourselves. [ …] [I] have been inclined to give my vote to the writer that first suggested " Usona," which is formed from the initials of " United States of North America." The assonance of " Usonans," however, has always been distasteful, [ …] A much more euphonious word is " Usonia," and as it represents in a similar way the " United States of Northern Independent America " [ …] a dignified name to designate our land, our people and our nation—" Usonia," " Usonian " and " Usonians " sounding equally well. It has also to US Scots the added merit of making a good rhyme to Caledonia, and thus knitting more closely together both Usonians and Caledonians. (dated 18th June, 1903)
    3. There was some variability in the codes included in each set, but they generally excluded codes pertaining to occlusion of the precerebral arteries, intracranial haemorrhage other than ICH, late effects of stroke/stroke sequalae, and cerebrovascular disorders stemming from other conditions.

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Look-Alike Words
  1. en pertain
  2. en curtains
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