
lipids Examples


    Examples of lipids in a Sentence

  • Examples of lipid
    1. The retentate was diluted in lipid assay buffer (10 mM KH 2 PO 4 , 100 mM NaCl, 2,7 mM KCl) [36 ] and ultrafiltrated again until the Imidazol concentration was less than 1 mM. Lipid pull-down assay Vesicles were generated essentially as described before.
    2. To channel metabolic flux generated in photobiosynthesis into lipid biosynthesis, implementation of some PGRs, vitamins, and lipid precursors could lead to an increase in total catabolism activation and lipid accumulation.
    3. Most often, this happens pericentrally, but the lipid deposition can also occur in the periportal zone, see [104 ] and the references therein.
    4. Lipid peroxidation susceptibility is commonly assessed by the peroxidability index (PI), which is based on the number of unsaturations present in the fatty acid chain [25 ].
  • Examples of lipids
    1. The fatty acid composition of nonchloroplast lipids, such as phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine, was less affected by the absence of the chloroplast trienoic fatty acid synthetase gene (Table 1 ).
    2. Then, lipids were quantified by densitometric scanning at 400–650 nm with triolein, cholesteryl esters and ergosterol (ERG) as standards using a Shimadzu dual-wave length chromatoscanner CS-930.
    3. These strategies include modification with amphiphillic synthetic polymers such as poly(ethylene glycol)-thiols (PEG-SH)[7 ], lipids [8 ], electrostatic layers of polyanionic and polycationic polymers [9 ], and most recently, proteins [10 , 11 ].
    4. Afterwards, total lipids were quantified by the sulfophosphovanillin method, with olive oil (Indalo Clasico) diluted with absolute ethanol as standard.

Other Vocabulary

Look-Alike Words
  1. en lipid
  2. fr lipide
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  4. en Cupids
  5. en cupids
Source: Wiktionary
Definiteness: Level 1
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