
aspect Examples


    Examples of aspect in a Sentence

  • Examples of aspect
    1. M. cricoarytenoideus lateralis was the short muscle that originated laterorostrally from the edge of the cricoid arch and terminated on the ventral aspect of the muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage.
    2. This increase means that almost every aspect of the Earth’s climate system is now influenced by humanity, and the consequences – droughts, heatwaves, megafires, melting glaciers and rising oceans – are now well understood.
    3. The final aspect to completing your preparation [as a director] is the tone meeting with the showrunner. (...) Generally, the two of you go through the script, scene by scene (...).
    4. But is there some vaguely uncivilisable aspect of the Middle Eastern mind?
  • Examples of aspects
    1. Most canoe aficionados would argue that motorizing a canoe removes the pleasurable aspects of traveling in one.
    2. The artist's conception and plan permit the artist to judge the correctness of various aspects of the work that gives the artist the ability to resolve problems that occur during its execution.
    3. The factor conflict refers to affective aspects of biculturality whereas the factor distance includes learning and performance aspects of acculturation (Benet-Martinez & Haritatos 2005).
    4. This was concentrated in the basal aspects of epithelial surfaces and within endothelial cells, fibroblasts, and histocytes within subepithelial and submucosal tissues and connective tissue surrounding lymph nodes and other organs.
    5. However, the methodological aspects have been challenged concerning the high dose of nitrosatable amines, and the physiological difference between animals and humans [136].
    6. Second, we did not attempt to clarify unclear study details by contacting the study authors; nonreported aspects of methods may have lowered scores in our quality assessment.
Related Links:
  1. fr aspect
  2. en aspects
  3. fr aspects
  4. en aspected
  5. en aspectual
Source: Wiktionary
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