
Thou meaning

  • The word thou is a second person singular pronoun in English. It is now largely archaic, having been replaced in almost all contexts by you. It is used in parts of Northern England and by Scots (/ðu/).
  • Originally, thou was simply the singular counterpart to the plural pronoun ye, derived from an ancient Indo-European root.
  • The fact that early English translations of the Bible used the singular form of the second person in no way indicates "disrespect" and ought not to surprise.
  • In standard modern English, thou continues to be used only in formal religious contexts, in literature that seeks to reproduce archaic language and in certain fixed phrases such as "fare thee well".
EN thou

    Definition of Thou in English Dictionary

  • Pronoun
    1. Alternative letter-case form of thou often used when referring to God or another important figure who is understood from context.
    2. More Examples
      1. Used in the Middle of Sentence
        • 1611, Bible (KJV): Nehemiah 6:8 Then I sent unto him, saying, There are no such things done as thou sayest, but thou feignest them out of thine own heart.
        • O dusty wormling! dost thou strive and stand / With heaven's high monarch? — Sylvester.
        • What the Lord lendeth, if thou take, Proud-heartedly and boasting make, Eternity shall be thy shame.
      2. Used in the Beginning of Sentence
        • Thou shouldst have made him As little as a crow, or less, ere left To after-eye him. — Shakespeare.
        • Thou that doest liue in later times, must wage / Thy workes for wealth, and life for gold engage.
        • Thou lettest me kiss thee last year, and the year before, and every other year.
    • Part-of-Speech Hierarchy
      1. Pronouns
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      Source: Wiktionary

      Meaning of Thou for the defined word.

      Grammatically, this word "Thou" is a pronoun.
      Definiteness: Level 1
      Definite    ➨     Versatile